Frequently Asked Questions
How long will the valve last in this service ?
Due to the ever changing process conditions such as: velocity, density, particle size, particle hardness, PH, chloride levels,and temperature there are no set time assurances for valve performance.
Where are Bi-Seal Knife gate valves typically used in a mine/ processing plant ?
Typically in a mineral processing plant alongside or associated with a mine - once the ore body has been transformed into a slurry.
What is the function of a Knife gate valve ?
Knife gate valve are designed to open or close the flow of media in a pipeline
At what temperature can I operate the valve?
The temperature limitations are goverened by the specifications of the respective materials used in the valve.
Does the valve need wear protection in the operation of the plant ?
In abrasive applications it is wise to use a deflection cone on the inlet or upstream side of the valve. The cone must be of a material that is appropriate for the service to which it is applied.
Can the valve be fitted with a 4-20ma positioner ?
Yes, along with open/close limit switches if required.